Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Happened!

For me Thanksgiving is a very busy time of year...not just because of all of the cooking and the cleaning and what have you but because I'm not only a professional photographer but I'm also a personal concierge, which means that I clean people's homes, or do their shopping or help them decorate their homes for the holidays and run errands that they just don't have time to run themselves...don't mistake my meaning I'm very thankful to have both of my jobs , so I'm not complaining about how much I had to do but in one weekend , I helped clean 3 homes , put up and decorated 9 Christmas trees...went to my niece's 2nd birthday and took my aunt and my cousin home to Crossville which is about 100 miles from my own let's just say that after all of the energy put out over the long holiday weekend, that I'm glad to be back at work so I can slow down a little...I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving with their family and friends...

Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all a good night...

The Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving

(Edgar Albert Guest, 1881-1959)

It may be I am getting old and like too much to dwell
Upon the days of bygone years, the days I loved so well;
But thinking of them now I wish somehow that I could know
A simple old Thanksgiving Day, like those of long ago,
When all the family gathered round a table richly spread,
With little Jamie at the foot and grandpa at the head,
The youngest of us all to greet the oldest with a smile,
With mother running in and out and laughing all the while.

It may be I'm old-fashioned, but it seems to me to-day
We're too much bent on having fun to take the time to pray;
Each little family grows up with fashions of its own;
It lives within a world itself and wants to be alone.
It has its special pleasures, its circle, too, of friends;
There are no get-together days; each one his journey wends,
Pursuing what he likes the best in his particular way,
Letting the others do the same upon Thanksgiving Day.

I like the olden way the best, when relatives were glad
To meet the way they used to do when I was but a lad;
The old home was a rendezvous for all our kith and kin,
And whether living far or near they all came trooping in
With shouts of "Hello, daddy!" as they fairly stormed the place
And made a rush for mother, who would stop to wipe her face
Upon her gingham apron before she kissed them all,
Hugging them proudly to her breast, the grownups and the small.

Then laughter rang throughout the home, and, Oh, the jokes they told;
From Boston, Frank brought new ones, but father sprang the old;
All afternoon we chatted, telling what we hoped to do,
The struggles we were making and the hardships we'd gone through;
We gathered round the fireside. How fast the hours would fly--
It seemed before we'd settled down 'twas time to say good-bye.
Those were the glad Thanksgivings, the old-time families knew
When relatives could still be friends and every heart was true.

Here's to hoping you and yours have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

"All the world's a stage"...

When my sister first helped me create this blog, I thought that I would use it as a way to get new photography clients or as a way to showcase some of my photography work, however that doesn't seem to be the case. I just can't mange to find the time between my 3 jobs to sit down and gather my pictures or my thoughts in a way that can express how I'm feeling. With that being said, I've decided to do like my sister does and simply just write down how I'm feeling...
I've had a lot going on with me these past months and I think I just need to start blogging on a semi daily basis or just whenever I feel like doing so.
I turned 30 on September 05 of this year and what a ride my life has been so far.
I'm passionate about photography, my family, my friends, helping people to do things, watching little ones grow and become what God designed them to be, sometimes I'm quirky or just plain silly, but at the end of the day when all is said and done I'm just a " Diamond in the rough" I look forward to sharing my life and hopefully my photography with everyone in future posts.All the world is a stage and we're all just merely actors playing out the parts!