Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dear God are you there?

Dear God,
I know you have an awful lot to deal with and I'm not complaining, or telling you how to do your job, but I just feel so alone sometimes, like you're not there watching over me or my family anymore. Have we done something to make you angry? I know the bible says don't question You or Your Divine Plan. Sometimes that's so hard and this is one of those times for me. I help people when they need it, I go out of my way to make others days just a little brighter, I pray to you almost daily, and I'm the first among my friends to say that if times are hard and they have trouble lurking that You can take care of them and their worries. Here lately it seems like every story on the news is one of assault or abuse. Where's the good ones that speak of Your love and how You are the Light, the Truth, and even the Way! My family is going through some major things right now and I feel forsaken. My brother is almost 18 and I've tried to teach him about your Never ending Love but when he needs you the most it seems like you're aren't there. Please come back to us Lord. Make the things inside my brothers head leave him alone and let him have some peace Lord. He is so tallented with his music, please teach him that You gave him such tallent so that he can use it to Glorify You. Please give me the strength to keep fighting the good fight and the courage to help offer support to my brother in his time of need. And another thing why can't my nieces stay well? You can make the world and everything in it in 6 days and take a day of rest on the 7th day so I know that you can make 3 precious little girls well. I'm so frustrated right now...It just doesn't seem fair that all of these horrible people can walk around in their day to day lives completely healthy and not contribute anything positive to the world but three precious little girls and one incredibly tallented teenager who truly depict Your Light to the world can't stay well or not hear horrible voices in their heads telling them to do horrible things to people. I'm searching for answers and I can't make sense of any. Please show me Your will Lord...give me the answers that I seek, help me to help my brother, please give my sister strength to endure what lies ahead with her beautiful little girls...I know that if You bring us to it that You also will bring us through it. Please show us the footprints where you are carrying all of us...The path seems awful rocky and rough, not to mention lonely! Please help us find our way back to the path that You have laid for us.I ask these things in Your Son's precious name.Amen!